Selection Process
1. Eligibility
Before you make up the mind to join OBOR project programs, please make sure you are eligible to the requirements. Here we list most common ones below but in practice OBOR financing require more, as there are thousands of articles and policies. The best way is to seek for the help from most professional platforms.
- You have clear project objective, project schedule, the budget plan and your application is for an infrastructure project such as energy, water, transportation, health, education, sport etc.
- You are from a developing country that is included in the “DAC List of ODA Recipients”, or your country belong to the 57 founding members of the AIIB.
- The project falls within the government’s developmental priorities.
- The project has a positive socio-economic impact in the country.
2. Proposal Preparation
Our professional team will work in line with laws and guidelines to prepare the target projects for OBOR financing, normally we need the clients to cooperate with due diligence and accountability.
- We will prepare the proposal with project objective, project scope, work schedule and related sponsors.
- We will make analysis about the ROI of the project, the current entity’s financial situation, and review the audit financial statements for past 2 to 3 years.
- We will collect all the required application documents according to the agreement of OBOR cooperation financial institutions.
- We will design the suitable financial models to the project.
- We will present the summary of the proposal and professional project solutions.
3. Investment Feasibility Assessment
There will be our experts to study the actual situations about the project and make the assessment, the main elements include but may not only limit:
- The professional capabilities of management team
- The history of the entity and the stakeholders background
- The financial status in past 2 years
- The future performance of the project and financial forecasting
- How to make sure the repayment can be guaranteed etc...
4. Financial Model Design
We will deliver alternative financial models about your project and identify which model best suits with lowest cost and best resources. We are highly professional about all the models below:
- Public-Private Partnership
- Build Operate Transfer
- Build Lease Transfer
- Asset Backed Security
- Initial Public Offering
- Limited Partnership
- General Partnership
- Private Equity
- Venture Capital
- Fund of Funds
- Financial Lease
*Please check our financial services to the details of explanations about every model.
5. Risk Management
We respect universal international standards and norms, and follow the laws and regulations of every host country. We also put the environmental issues and sustainable development as priorities, and actively work to address the social responsibilities. We need all the clients unite the goal with us and fully comply with project agreements to ensure successful implementation.
- Our experts will continue to check the status of the project periodically and provide professional advice to the management team to make sure the progress and status in accordance with actual plan and keep the project on track.
- We will monitor the funding or loans to get to the project on time and the entity pay the interests and principal on time. Continuously check the portfolios, achieve good investment returns and realize safe exits as our final aim.